Acting for a united energy transition
VALOREM, an independent and committed green energy operator, has always adopted a unique and sincere position in the face of major energy challenges. The energy transition represents a historic opportunity, a unique chance to transform the centralised relationship to energy by involving citizens, aimed at building a more ecological and fairer society. The company has regularly broken new ground on social and societal issues through Watt for Change, its foundation and endowment fund and its action for integration through employment. Driven by these concrete actions, VALOREM aims to participate fully in the various national debates on energy and to promote its vision of a united and humanitarian energy transition.

Independence is vital for VALOREM: controlling its strategy, finances, decisions and maintaining its competitiveness, have been part of the company’s project since it was first established. VALOREM is an independent company and the majority of its capital stock is held by its original shareholders. A minority share is held by investment funds (3i Infrastructure, BPI, GSO, CAAE, IRDI).
VALOREM’S Supervisory Board is elected by the shareholders and chaired by Pierre GIRARD (former Managing Director and company shareholder). It meets to define strategic guidelines and make sure that the company is operating correctly. Since January 2010, two staff representatives have sat on the Supervisory Board. They are responsible for representing employees’ opinions and can question the company’s strategy.
Inclusion clauses
In 2016, VALOREM, with the Association for Local Development and Employment in Bègles and the Gironde Department, voluntarily initiated the first provision in France for inclusion clauses on photovoltaic park sites. Since then, this condition of performance clause in our works contracts has been extended to include all our photovoltaic projects nationwide, in partnership with Community Employment Alliance network facilitators in each locality. At least 7% of a construction site’s working hours are reserved for people who are unemployed: long-term job seekers, young people under the age of 26, those who are in receipt of Inclusion Income Support (RSA) and minimum welfare support and people who are classed as Workers with Disabilities. Since 2020, VALOREM has been a signatory to the “La France, Une chance” (“France, A chance”) charter. It is reputed for its commitment as a leading company for inclusion in Occitania by the Prefect of Haute Garonne. Today, the company is studying the feasibility of extending the inclusion clauses to other renewable energies, particularly for its wind and hydroelectric projects.

Via Watt For Change, VALOREM is working to reduce energy poverty in France and else around the world, while protecting the environment through actions to promote energy efficiency or access to renewable energy.
In 2016, VALOREM created its endowment fund to conduct and finance energy-related community activities. After completing several projects in France and elsewhere in the world, VALOREM set up a new system in 2020 by creating its foundation under the aegis of the Foundation for Nature and Humans (FNH). For Watt For Change, the FNH is a committed stakeholder as well as a partner for showing a better way forward for a greener and fairer world.

United under the Watt for Change banner, these two philanthropic tools further the group’s commitment by supporting associations, as well as developing new, innovative and sustainable projects to reduce energy poverty globally.
The Group’s employees provide support at Watt For Change through volunteering. They participate in the selection and technical evaluation of projects, in technical advice or, more sustainably, in sponsoring a project.
VALOREM believes it has responsibility for supporting the sector’s economic development with a local approach. VALOREM proposes a collective territorial, environmental and industrial vision for the sector. Lobbying is guided by the transmission of information to public decision-makers to help them understand technical issues related to renewable energy. VALOREM acts in 7 areas of intervention (HTPTV directory):
- renewable energy;
- industrial policy;
- impact of industrial activity on the environment;
- social dialogue;
- budget;
- defence.
Ethics must be at the heart of our business, from one end of the operational chain to the other.
In 2021, VALOREM organised a series of risk management training sessions for its employees:
- Anti-corruption training;
- Training dedicated to the employee code of conduct;
- Training sessions dedicated to evaluating third parties and the risks of conflicts of interest.
- In 2021, VALOREM signed an anti-corruption charter.
Learn more about our other commitments