Our strengths as an employer
Be part of the VALOREM story

A vibrant, growing company
Staff well-being and development is a top priority for the Group. Our workforce has grown rapidly over the past few years – a major challenge that sets the course for our human resources policy, with a focus on managerial practices, teambuilding, and a shared culture.
Each of our employees has several annual appraisals with their manager to discuss their progress and their professional development needs, including a specific meeting dedicated to ensuring a positive work-life balance.
VALOREM is proactively committed to training future professionals in all areas of the renewable energy sector, whether technical or cross-functional.

Employee benefits
Our management team and employee representatives have entered into several collective agreements to help improve our employees’ quality of life.
In 2019, VALOREM set up an employee shareholding company which 75% of our workforce have entered into, promoting a strong sense of ownership and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same objectives. The same goes for our profit-sharing agreement which is aligned with CSR criteria.
In 2021, we formed a working group to establish an advantageous new employee shareholding plan, with a view to our workforce holding 3% of the company’s capital.

Monitoring and improving employee satisfaction
Since 2010, consultancy firm OBEA/inergie has conducted an annual employee survey on behalf of VALOREM to canvass employees’ opinions and experiences.
The results are then presented to the entire workforce in seminars and then published in our external communications.
In the 2021 survey, employees were asked about the COVID-19 crisis: 99% felt that the company adjusted well to the situation, and 89% felt well supported by the company throughout the pandemic.
Meet Raphael BOINNE, Electrical Engineering Department Manager
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