Implementing a positive local approach
The arrival of a renewable energy park can transform and radically shape a locality. In addition to generating clean, affordable electricity, their installation generates local taxation and direct and indirect employment.
Since 1994, VALOREM has been assisting communities and residents in developing their locality’s resources.

Convinced that communities must be closely involved in developing their renewable resources, VALOREM builds the projects in agreement with the elected representatives, the residents and the government departments, from the outset. Throughout the project’s development, VALOREM runs a steering committee that brings stakeholders’ representatives together. VALOREM informs the localIity at key stages and then publishes an annual report on the park’s operation. VALOREM demonstrates its commitment by adhering to WINDEUROPE, AMORCE (Association of localities involved in the ecological transition), FEE and ENERPLAN (Trade union for wind and photovoltaic professionals) charters.

As a pioneer of participatory investing for citizens, and in line with its values and commitments to communities and residents, VALOREM has been implementing various forms of crowdfunding for its projects since 2012. Since 2021, in collaboration with Lendosphère, VALOREM launched its own crowdfunding platform MyValoremPark in order to strengthen and simplify its offer by offering citizens exclusive access to all its fundraising projects. Through their contribution, each lender participates in the production of green energy and becomes an energy transition shareholder. Residents and communities directly benefit from the wealth generated in their locality.

VALOREM pays particular attention to biodiversity by avoiding natural habitats as much as possible and participating in restoration operations in environments that have fallen into disrepair due to harmful human activity. In addition to its environmental management system during construction and operation, environmental issues are at the heart of our RE projects from the outset. Thus, an environmental rating is assigned as soon as the sites are surveyed to validate or invalidate further development. Furthermore, VALOREM is committed to implementing measures to restore and/or compensate biodiversity in localities where the projects are, by working with local associations or specialised institutions.
By 2024, 100% of our new projects under development will benefit from additional support measures (outside the regulatory framework).
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